About Register Program Speakers



Bringing together leading healthcare speakers and experts, the February 2025 IPEC Faculty Development Institute is a special one-day, virtual interactive professional development experience. 

The overall goal of this unique IPEC program is to create champions who can enhance interprofessional curricula, learning experiences, and assessment of learners. Faculty and leaders across the health disciplines will join together to explore how to embed interprofessional education for collaborative practice (IPECP) and competency-based education (CBE) content into their curriculum.


  • Leaders, directors, and program coordinators responsible for the development, implementation, and assessment of campus-wide IPE initiatives
  • Institutional leaders responsible for overseeing the school’s/program’s academic programs and policies, including curriculum design and management


  1. Describe the core components of competency-based education (CBE).
  2. Design an implementation plan for integrating the new IPEC core competencies.
  3. Identify strategies for adapting current IPE curricula to include the new IPEC core competencies.
  4. Develop an assessment plan for your own program and its adoption of the IPEC core competencies.


The February 2025 IPEC Institute will feature presentations on IPECP and CBE content, leading speakers from around the country, opportunities to discuss IPECP and CBE issues and solutions, and strategies how to embed IPECP and CBE at your institution.

Prior to attending the virtual Institute program, registrants might be required to complete a pre-Institute assessment survey. This information will be used to orient speakers and planners to participants goals and needs.

All registrants will also receive pre-reading and pre-workshop materials for completion prior to attending on February 26, 2025.

Program Agenda

Click HERE to visit additional details about this IPEC event.

Click HERE to download the latest agenda. (updated: 2/20/25)