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All Together Better Health Conference (ATBH) XI
Monday, November 06, 2023, 8:00 AM to Thursday, November 09, 2023, 5:00 PM EST
Category: External

Call for Abstracts - ATBH XI

All Together Better Health (ATBH) XI, the 11th International Conference on Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (IPECP), will be held in Qatar in November 2023 bringing this biennial event to the Middle East for the first time! ATBH is the leading global IPECP conference, previously hosted in Japan, Australia, Sweden, United Kingdom, Canada, America and New Zealand. ATBH provides a collaborative forum for transnational champions to promote IPECP towards improving global health through consensus-based partnership, share ideas and address emerging health care challenges.

The theme for the All Together Better Health XI (ATBH-XI), is ‘Cultivating a Collaborative Culture: Sharing Pearls of Wisdom’. ATBH is now accepting abstract submissions in the following subthemes related to interprofessional education and collaborative practice:

  • SHARING models of best practice
  • INFORMING national, regional, and global policies and standards
  • ADVOCATING for health and wellbeing
  • EMBRACING diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging
  • PROMOTING safety in and beyond health services

At ATBH XI, you may present your work and ideas in a variety of formats. Abstracts can include any aspect of interprofessional education and/or collaborative practice. You may submit abstracts in the following categories: workshops, oral presentations, posters, pearls of wisdom lightning talks, and Discovery Majlis. 

Click here for the call for abstracts.

If you have any questions or require assistance at any point throughout this process, please email: [email protected]