Call for Posters

The November 21, 2024 IPEC Poster Fair provides an opportunity to share interprofessional education for collaborative (IPECP) projects and practices implemented by health professions schools and programs and their colleagues. IPEC welcomes posters sharing interprofessional projects and practices across all disciplines, and at various stages of development and implementation.

A free online event, the showcase is a venue to show your IPECP experiences in exploring, designing, and/or implementing interprofessional activities.

Click here for more details about the 2024 call for poster abstracts.



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In partnership with the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL), IPEC conducted a scoping review is to assess the impact of interprofessional education (IPE) on direct patient care. A dedicated interprofessional team of volunteer reviewers looked at literature linking IPE to direct improvement in quality of patient care and other health outcomes, including length of stay, medical errors, patient satisfaction, patient or caregiver education, and mortality. The related manuscript was published in the Journal of Interprofessional Care this past December.

IPEC would like to extend a special thank you to the project co-leads, co-authors, and entire writing and review team. Additional details about the team, research protocol, criteria, and other details can be found on the scoping review webpage. Please feel free to share the open-access article with colleagues and peers.


The Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) is pleased to announce the release of the IPEC Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: Version 3. First published in 2011 and updated in 2016, the IPEC competencies have become an indispensable resource to advance interprofessional education for collaborative practice (IPECP). Key drivers shaping the 2023 version included the need to integrate perspectives from seven new IPEC member organizations and a desire to reflect contemporary research, policy, education, and practice realities. Thank you to the Working and Advisory Group members who championed this effort! View full news release here.

The IPEC Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: Version 3 can serve as a foundation to structure and strengthen curricular and co-curricular activities to encourage team-based care and improve health outcomes. Members and non-members can view the archived webinar and learn about changes made to the IPEC competency framework and how the IPEC competencies can prepare learners for interprofessional teamwork.

AAMC Curricular Resources & MedBiquitous Standardized Vocabulary Survey

The AAMC Curriculum Resources and MedBiquitous are collecting feedback from the health professions community regarding the standardized vocabulary for instructional methods, assessment methods, and resources. 

Standardized vocabulary must be flexible enough for school-specific terminology, yet broad enough to glean insight into the tracking of delivery and assessment of learning activities across schools and organizations.

As the landscape of health professions education evolves, so does standardized vocabulary. The current list requires refreshing to accurately reflect current trends and new methodologies, as well as remain relevant and applicable for the future and across the health professions.

This survey is voluntary and should take around 10 minutes to complete. Your responses are classified as restricted, may not be published with any identification without your permission, and will be stored securely and electronically by the AAMC.

The survey is live now. Click here to begin.

Email [email protected] with any questions.

Thank you for your participation!

IPEC Institutional Assessment Instrument

In partnership with the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, IPEC developed an institutional assessment tool to identify institutional characteristics associated with successful implementation of high-quality programmatic interprofessional education (IPE).

Leaders of academic institutions are encouraged to utilize the 20-item IPEC Institutional Assessment Instrument alongside the 105 expert-generated consensus statements it is based upon to assess their institutional capacity for high-quality programmatic IPE and to plan for quality improvement.

To read the free access article on the development and validation of the IPEC Institutional Assessment Instrument, click here.

Click here for more details and to download the IAI.